What is X% of Y?
All you have to do is fill in your numbers below. Bookmark this page for furture use.What is % of ?
How it's calculated
To calculate what percentage is of a number we use the following formular where x is the percentage: \( x * \frac{y}{100}\).
So, lets say we wanted to find 10% of 100. In this case 10% = x and 100 = y.
This leaves us with: \( 10 * \frac{100}{100}=10\). Quite easy isent it? Indeed!
What if you wanted to calculate this on a online calculator, like Google? Our formular would take this shape: (x*(y/100))
With our previous case it would be: (10*(100/100)) = 10. In Googles calculator it would look like this:
Percentage Q/A
In this table you'll find a list of the most common questions regarding percentage calculations.
Questions | Answers |
what is 5% of 1000? | 50 |
what is 11% of 1000 | 110 |
what is 12% of 1000 | 120 |
How can I calculate 10% of 1000? | 100 |
What will be the 20% of 1000? | 200 |
what is 30% of 1000? | 300 |